This app gives yu likes shure, but only if yu are asking for a little. If yu type in "100" for the amount of like yu want, it gives yu about 1 or 2 (yeah, yu cant kno becuz it tells yu how much likes it has left to give the picture yu selected). But if yu say yu want 10 likes, itll give yu the 10 likes for the most part, but sumtimes only 8 or 9. So this app does give yu likes, but dont expect to get a lot on one photo. The coins are bogus cause it gives yu the hope that once yu have tons of them (which are easy to get btw) that yull be able to get ANY amount of likes that yu desire . Its a rip off in my opinion, but Ill stick with it for the little likes that it is giving me.
LovableMoii about Instagram like exchange - more likes for intagram: Instagram likes & Instagram followers social tool